Monday, August 9, 2010

You're Invited

Dear 30's

Cesily M. Crowser
Cordially invites you to attend her pity party.

Where :Here
When: Now

Please RSVP!

(enclosed note)

30's I hope you can make it. I'm sure you and I have been to one of these before and maybe even thrown a couple. They always start out the same, just a little bit of something goes wrong and then BAM - wipe out. What happened this time? Well, I was getting ready for the Danskin triathlon. Had finally, about a week ago, decided to commit to doing it. Picked up my workouts, increased my runs and swim time and was really feeling like even though the race was in about 2 weeks I was going to do it and finish.

Then. I decided to play with my kids. One of my favorite things. Just putting everything aside and fully living in the moment. So we went to the ocean and I went Boogie Boarding. My son and I were having a great time trying to catch waves and hanging out in the ocean when I noticed we had started to drift out a little further than I was comfortable with, I saw the lifeguard waving that red thingy telling us to come in and my son and I decided to start swimming toward shore.

I'm still trying to figure out what happened, but basically one wave came in while another was going out and I was probably kicking like a crazy woman the moment these two opposing waves collided on my leg and twisted my knee like some taffy on one of those crazy taffy pulling machines. I debated waving my arms and screaming for the life guard to come get me, but the thought of being dragged out of the water like some beached whale shut that internal conversation down. So I one leg kicked my way to where I could stand, hobbled up to the towel and put on my best "happy to be hangin' with the kids" mommy face.

"hmm, I don't think I want to go back in the water right now, but I'll go sit in the wet sand and dig a hole." All the while hoping that the cold ocean water would somehow heal my throbbing knee.

So, to end the story...I'm am throwing the pity party because it turns out I'm not a super athletic world class triathlete and boogie boarder. I'm just regular me. Not even the old regular me, but the 40+1 regular me.

Wait...the 40+1 regular me was working out hard, and had spent some great time with the kids in the pool and bike riding. The 40+1 me dropped a few pounds and still has the winning smile people comment on. The 40+1 me has wonderful kids who are continually asking what they can do for me, checking on my leg, bringing me ice, and giving me hugs. The 40+1 me was able to walk down the stairs today and will probably be stronger tomorrow. Sure the Danskin is now out of the picture for this year, but honestly I might have been pushing it a little too much which could be why God decided I should sit this one out. I can always register for the Trek Tri in Sept. Which means that the 40+1 me has God looking out for her.

Dear 30s

Cesily M. Crowser

Cordially invites you to attend...

On the way to recovery party. (Please note the pity party has been canceled)

Hope to see you there!!